O boed fy nghalon oll ar dān

(Cofio Aberth y Groes)
O! boed fy nghalon oll ar dān,
O gariad pur at Iesu glān,
  Am gofio f'enaid tlawd;
A'i roi ei Hun
    drwy angau loes
Yn Aberth iawnol ar y groes -
  O! dyma annwyl Frawd.

Dros f'enaid i bu'r addfwyn Oen
Fel hyn, yn dioddef dirfawr boen,
  I'm gwneud yn rhydd yn wir;
'R oedd yn ei fryd orffenu'r gwaith,
O eithaf tragwyddoldeb maith,
  O! f'enaid, cofio'i gur.
1: Evan Griffiths (Ieuan Ebblig) 1795-1873
2: William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [886D]:
St John (alaw Gymreig)
Tresalem (D Evans 1869-1944)

  Ai Iesu Cyfaill dynol-ryw?
  Ca'dd gario'r groes i ben y bryn
  Fy enaid nac annghofia groes
  O deffro tro fy enaid trist
  O werthfawr waed - gwaed Iesu mawr
  Trywanwyd do fy Mhrynwr rhad
  Y ddaear fud ro'i meirw'n fyw
  Yn Eden cofiaf hynny byth

(Remembering the Sacrifice of the Cross)
O may my heart be all on fire,
With pure love toward holy Jesus,
  For remembering my poor soul!
And giving himself
    through the throes of death
As an atoning Sacrifice on the cross -
  O here is a beloved Brother.

My my soul the gentle Lamb was
Thus, suffering enormous pain,
  To make me truly free;
He was intent on finishing the work,
Of the the utmost vast eternity,
  O my soul, remember his wounding!
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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